Walking through Chicago shouldn't feel like a gamble with your life. However, for far too many pedestrians, reckless drivers make the city streets dangerous. March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, a time to recognize the devastating effects of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and advocate for better safety measures. Unfortunately, pedestrian accidents remain a leading cause...
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Effort to Lower Chicago's Speed Limit to 25 MPH Faces Pushback
Chicago had the chance to do the right thing—lower the speed limit to 25 mph and join cities New York, Boston, and Seattle in reducing pedestrian accidents. But instead of taking action, the City Council backed down. Ald. Daniel La Spata (1st), who championed the measure, pulled the vote at the last minute. Instead of...
Read MoreCDOT Promises Protection, but Cyclists Face Dangerous Gaps in Logan Square
Chicago bicyclists face yet another betrayal from city officials. Streetsblog reader Steven Irwin flagged an ongoing problem with the city’s handling of bike lanes near Diversey River Bowl, at 2211 W. Diversey Parkway. His concern? The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) is playing fast and loose with bikeway safety, which leaves cyclists at a heightened...
Read MoreOpposition Mounting Against Proposed Bike Lane in Evanston
The City of Evanston’s proposal to install a two-way protected bike lane along the east side of Chicago Avenue has sparked a community-wide debate about safety, sustainability, and economic vitality. While city officials view the project as a step toward greener and safer transportation, residents and businesses fear it could jeopardize their livelihoods and accessibility....
Read MoreWill Paint-Only Bike Lanes on Pratt Avenue Provide Enough Protection for Cyclists?
Lincolnwood residents were recently left with the decision to install painted bike lanes, rather than the concrete-protected lanes initially proposed, on Pratt Avenue. Safety advocates had hoped for robust infrastructure to shield cyclists and e-scooter riders from reckless drivers. Instead, they reached a compromise, which many feel is a missed opportunity for real safety improvements....
Read MoreAttorney Michael Keating Highlights E-Scooter Safety Risks in Chicago Sun-Times as Accidents Surge
Since their introduction in 2019, electric scooters have become a go-to mode of transportation in Chicago, with more than 3.7 million trips taken between mid-2022 and late 2023. However, as e-scooter use continues to rise, so do the risks associated with riding them. A recent article in the Chicago Sun-Times highlights the very real dangers that some...
Read MoreChicago Cyclists Protest City Plan to Reopen Dickens Plaza to Motorists
Dickens Landing, a vital part of Chicago's Lincoln Park, is under threat, and residents are rallying to protect it. After 4.5 years of planning and community input, the Dickens Greenway officially opened in January 2024. However, just months later, the City announced plans to reopen the space to cars. The original goal of Dickens Landing...
Read MoreChicago’s Annual Bike the Drive Draws Thousands of Cyclists
Thousands of cyclists took over DuSable Lake Shore Drive, enjoying a 15-mile car-free stretch with the Chicago skyline as their backdrop during the 2024 Bike the Drive event. Organized by the Active Transportation Alliance, a Chicago nonprofit advocating for walking, biking, and public transit improvements, this annual event has temporarily closed streets to motor vehicles...
Read MoreChicago's Bike Lane Ticketing Program Delayed 16 Months After Approval
Chicago bicyclists have to navigate a daily obstacle course of distracted drivers, poorly maintained roads, and inadequate bike infrastructure. As a result of the city's growing bicycle safety concerns, the Chicago City Council approved the Smart Streets pilot bike lane ticketing program in March 2023 to enhance safety for bicyclists and pedestrians. However, 16 months...
Read MoreChicago Ranked 5th for World's Worst Traffic
A recent global traffic analysis has ranked Chicago as the fifth most congested city worldwide, with congestion levels surpassing pre-pandemic figures by 18%. Transportation analysis platform Inrix compiled data for the annual Global Traffic Scorecard. It reveals that Chicago drivers lost an average of 96 hours to traffic delays over the past year. The study...
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