(312) 239-6787
Personal Injury Lawyers
Chicago, IL
(312) 239-6787

Car Accident Lawyers Who Handle Asleep at the Wheel Crashes

Our attorneys fight to help you recover the compensation you deserve

One cause of car accidents that doesn’t get much attention is drowsy driving. People who are too fatigued to drive fall asleep at the wheel and cause a crash that leaves others seriously hurt. The car accident attorneys at Keating Law Offices, P.C. fight to hold these negligent drivers accountable and help victims recover financial compensation.

A fatigued driver may fall asleep at the wheel and rear-end another vehicle. Or, they will drift into the next lane, directly into the path of another car or truck. Asleep at the wheel accident can be especially dangerous on highways, where all vehicles are traveling at high speeds. The force of impact can cause severe, and sometimes fatal injuries.

Falling asleep at the wheel is not simply an accident that was beyond someone’s control. These drivers make a choice to operate a vehicle even though they are in no condition to do so. Fatigue impacts judgment and slows response times. Fatigued drivers choose to put the lives of others in danger.

Holding them accountable can be complicated. Fatigued drivers typically deny falling asleep at the wheel and deny causing a crash. Proving otherwise can be difficult. If there’s a police report, it won’t state the driver was fatigued if the officer sees no clear evidence of that.

Attorneys committed to helping you get the best outcome

Our legal team investigates your accident. We know where to look for evidence of driver fatigue. For example, traffic camera footage may show the driver drifting into the other lane. We may find witnesses who support your claim. Accident reports and medical records may contain information that is helpful to the case.

You deserve financial compensation if you were injured in an accident caused by a fatigued driver. Dealing with insurance companies can be complicated. They are mostly interested in keeping their payouts as low as possible. So, without evidence that the other driver was fatigued, they may even try to put some of the blame on you.

Our car accident attorneys know the tactics that insurance companies use to try to avoid their responsibility. They may question the extent of injuries or claim they were pre-existing. They may question the need for certain treatment. They may make a lowball settlement offer, hoping you’ll just take it and go away.

Call the law firm with the experience that gets results

That is why we focus on building strong cases that the insurance companies must take seriously. When they see how much work we have put into your case and that we are ready to fight for you every step of the way, they usually agree to talk about a settlement. We aren’t interested in making quick deals that help them save money.

Any resolution of your case must be one that meets your needs. This includes compensation for all your medical expenses related to your injuries – both now and in the future. It includes compensation for lost wages if you were left unable to work. We may also seek compensation for other damages, such as pain and suffering.

Keating Law Offices is committed to helping you get the best possible outcome in your case, either through a negotiated settlement or a jury verdict. Learn more about how our car accident attorneys can help you. Contact us to schedule a free consultation. We can go over your legal options and answer any questions you have.

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