Going to and from work, school, errands, and other daily activities inevitably means spending some time in parking lots. This time combined with the dangers associated with many motor vehicles in a small space has the potential to lead to an injury or even turn deadly. Parking lots are dangerous places, with a high rate...
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Why pedestrian accidents are so common at night
Drivers need to be especially careful after sunset Nighttime has the potential to be dangerous for anybody on the road, but it's particularly dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. Indeed, according to Marc Green, Ph.D., pedestrian fatalities (adjusted for miles traveled) are three times more common at night. In part, this is because drivers are more...
Read MoreIs a pedestrian ever at fault in a car crash?
When you’re behind the wheel, you need to keep your eyes peeled for pedestrians. No one wants to cause a crash, especially one involving a pedestrian. Even at a low speed, a car’s impact with a person's unprotected body can lead to significant injuries or even death. But in pedestrian crashes, is the driver always...
Read MoreSafety advocates address obstacles to adding more protected bike lanes throughout Chicago
Keating Law Offices, P.C. has long been an advocate for safe biking conditions throughout Illinois. Protected bike lanes act as physical barriers between bicyclists and motorists. They are proven to reduce the chance of vehicles recklessly turning into a bicyclist’s lane of travel. Protected bike lanes also reduce the likelihood of dooring crashes where a...
Read MoreWhat are my options if I was hurt in a dooring collision?
Bike lanes provide some protection when bicyclists share Chicago streets with cars and trucks. That's until a car door suddenly opens into or in front of the bicyclist's direct path. This can happen when a driver or passenger opens a car door without first checking for bicyclists. No matter how aware bicyclists may be of their...
Read MoreWhat is the safest way for bicyclists to get around?
Chicago is now in Phase Four of loosening COVID-19 restrictions. That means several businesses are reopening under strict social distancing guidelines. Many Chicago residents are either going back to work or getting out more often. Fewer people are using public transit to get around due to the potential spread of COVID-19 at crowded bus or...
Read MoreLarge trucks pose a danger to bicyclists
We know about the dangers drivers pose to bicyclists. What usually comes to mind is inattentive or reckless drivers in cars. Large trucks also pose a significant danger to bicyclists. Due to their sheer size and weight, they are more likely to cause fatal crashes than smaller passenger cars. Bicyclist critically injured after being dragged...
Read MoreAre rideshares more dangerous than taxis?
An experienced Chicago car accident attorney weighs in Driving is one of the most dangerous forms of travel that many of us must use every day. One study found that riding a motorcycle is the only other form of transportation more dangerous than driving a car. The high speeds that cars can achieve, combined with...
Read MoreHip fractures in nursing homes are on the rise
Hip fractures occur when the upper quarter of the femur (thigh-bone) breaks. Falls are the one of the most common causes of hip fractures. Those who suffer from osteoporosis, chronic stress, or cancer are at a greater risk of sustaining a hip fracture. Older adults are more at risk of sustaining bone fractures due to...
Read MoreHow to stay safe while riding a bicycle
As we enter the warm weather months in Chicago, we see more and more people riding bicycles. Unfortunately, it’s also the season for bicycle crashes. The state of Illinois sees more cycling injuries and fatalities during the summer months than any other time of the year. It’s critically important that cyclists ride with safety in...
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